March 2015 Public Service Committee Report

What a great start to AARC Public Service events for the year. On Sunday, March 29, 13 members of the AARC turned out to assist with the Jefferson Cup Bike Races. This was the 25th year of AARC support for this event, and you would have thought this year’s volunteers had been working most of the years the event has been running.

We maintained fixed location radio communications at the staging area (Walton Middle School), the Start/Finish, at each of the 3 course corners, and with the Rescue Squad ambulance. In addition, we provided 4 mobile stations for each race and for one mobile medic.

So many thanks to the following: Marty W4MBW, Larry K4JZQ, Ed N3US, Mike KA4JJD, AJ KE4AJM, Shannon KJ4VJR, Greg N4PGS, Mike KQ9P, Jon KJ4RPW, Dayton AA4DH, Jeff K4OLW, and Don N4UVA.

In filing the ARRL FSD-157 Pubic Service Activity Report, this event took a total of 143 person hours, which the ARRL values at $19/hr for an estimated person-power cost of over $2,700. Since we were using a linked repeater system, three repeaters were actively involved, and I value each repeater at $3,000 combined with an estimate of $300 per person for equipment, the estimated cost of equipment involved in support of this activity was just under $13,000. So the total estimated cost of the service provided tallies to just over $15,500. ARRL is understandably interested in obtaining these estimates of value added by the Amateur Radio Service, and we do our part by supplying these data to assist ARRL in their mission.

Again, great job everyone and many thanks for the superb showing. From Ruth Stornetta, the Race Coordinator:
“In case you missed it, there was TV coverage on both local stations:
Unfortunately they didn’t include my plug for AARC;-( . I really appreciate you guys and all you do for the race communication as well as pitching in for carrying wheels! Please let me know if we can improve on this- we still need to get some of the bugs between having appropriate vehicles/drivers and ham radio equipment. We can work this however is best for you guys.”

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