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Updated February 19, 2025


Sell: Yaesu FT 2900 2M Radio (75W)  $ 100.00
Contact Loderjim@gmail.com

Sell: RigExpert Antenna Analyzer, model AA-30. club owned.  $120 Contact eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net

Sell: Miranda S Powered speaker, club owned, $75. Contact eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net

Sell: Alpha Delta 2 position antenna switch, club owned.  $30  Contact eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net


AARC is selling the following equipment for the widow of a local SK ham.  All equipment is in pristine condition. 

Sell: Kenwood TS-850SAT, serial number starts with 5 so it has the upgraded capacitors and the more robust DDS Chips. Professionally modified on rear apron with switchable separate, receiving antenna jack. Includes, Kenwood IF-232C with hardwired power supply, and optional Kenwood filters – YK-88SN, YG-455-C1). No mic. Factory boxes with inserts. $600. Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net

Sell: Kenwood SP-31 speaker, like new, includes original box.  $125 Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net 

Sell: Autek Research VA1 RX VECTOR ANALYST.   $50  Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net

Sell: Autek Research RF-1 RF Analyst.   $50  Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net

Sell: Kenwood, KLF-2 line filter for mobile operation, removes alternator whine,  new in box, $30. Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net


Sell: Heathkit HD-1422 Antenna Noise Bridge working normally $20.00 

Contact Jim, K4CGY, k4cgy@yahoo.com

Sell: Kenwood YG-455c crystal CW filter $75.00 Contact Jim, K4CGY, k4cgy@yahoo.com

 If interested in below items, Contact Jim, K4CGY@yahoo.com

NT= not tested

Precision E-200C signal generator.  Looks good with instruction manual.  NT   $30.00

Johnson Matchbox 250 watt AM good for about 750 watt SSB or CW.  Case needs repainting an added mod not connected good condition NT  $45.00

Heathkit HD-1250 Dip meter Good condition works fine.  $60.00

Heathkit IT-12 signal Tracer  Looks good  NT  $65.00

Heathkit HM-2102  VHF watt meter 6 and 2 meters  Looks great NT $20.00

Bird 43 Watt meter S/N82231  Looks new works fine no elements, with N to UHF adapters $175.00

Bird 43 100H   100 watt   2-30 MHz element $100.00

Bird 43 1000H 1000 watt 2-30 MHz element $140.00

Bird 43  25D    25 watt     200-500 MHz element $45.00

Multi-outlet Strip Protected  12 outlets 2 USB charger outlets  $15.00

9913 Coax Low Loss  amount unknown  $0.50/foot


Sell: Drake MN-2000 Antenna Tuner. Matches 50 ohm transmitter output to coax antenna feed line.
Power capacity is 1000 watts average continuous duty or 2000 watts PEP. Built-in Watt and VSWR
meter. Clear inside and out. Works as expected. Manual available on-line. $250. Contact Rich,
W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Astron RS-4A Power Supply. 13.6 VDC at 4 A. Includes AC power cord and fused DC cable.
Excellent condition and works well. Manual available on-line. $30. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Heathkit AR-3 Receiver. One of the first Heathkit general coverage receivers made back in late
1950s. Covers 550 KC to 30 MC in four bands. Bandspread for the amateur bands. BFO for CW
reception. This unit is in excellent condition and works as expected. A great conversation piece. Two
additional parts units included! Manual available on-line. $70. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 8903B Audio Analyzer – a complete audio measurement system covering the frequency
range of 20 Hz to 100 kHz. The analyzer can perform distortion analysis, frequency count, and ac
level, dc level, SINAD, and signal-to-noise ratio measurements. This unit is very clean and works
well. Vintage: late 1980’s. Manual available on-line. $500. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 5345A / 5354A Electronic Counter is a reciprocal counter capable of direct measurements to
500 MHz. It measures frequency, period, period average, single-shot time interval, time interval
average, and ratio. The operation is extended to 4 GHz with the 5354A plug-in (included). The
counter works well, but the extender is not working properly. Vintage: mid 1970’s. Manual available
on-line. As-is, $250. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 6291A 0-40V, 0-5A DC Variable Linear Power Supply – Current Limiting. Unit is clean but
has a chipped knob. DC voltage ripple less than 1 mV RMS. Vintage: late 1980’s. Manual available
on-line. $75. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Sencore FC71, 10 Hz – 1 GHz Frequency Counter – Excellent condition, power adapter included. LCD display. Can test crystals 1-20 MHz but untested. Manual available on-line. $90. Contact Rich, W4DZC,richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Tektronix 067-0508-00, Voltage Amplitude Calibration Fixture. Provides an accurate source of
voltage for the calibration of equipment having 50 ohm input impedance. Unit is very clean and
works. GR-to-BNC adapter included. Accuracy not confirmed. Vintage: 1967. Manual available on-
line. $75. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 8601A RF Signal Generator / Sweep Oscillator, 0.1 to 110 MHz. Output: +20 to -110 dBm
Very clean but missing knobs. Works well but fine tuning is intermittent. Measured 2nd harmonic less
than -45 dBc. Vintage: early 1970’s. Manual available on-line. $150. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Proton 300 and 301 Amplified Speakers. Excellent condition. Tested – works from 20 Hz to at
least 10 kHz. Two #300 and one #301 are available at $60 each. Contact Rich, W4DZC,richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Zenith Trans-Oceanic SWL receiver plus FM band, model 3000-1. Solid state, excellent
condition, and works well. Vintage: 1960’s Own a piece of history! $95. Contact Rich, W4DZC,richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 403B Analog RMS Voltmeter, up to 1 MHz, Vintage: 1960’s, works, tested $25. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Weir Electtronics Maxireg 762 Linear Power Supply. 0-30 V, 2 A, 0-60 V 1 A (single supply, two settings). Good condition, Works, $25. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 6224B 0-24 V, 3 A Power Supply, Good overall condition but not working, $10. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 8651A 22 kHz – 70 MHz RF Oscillator. Good Condition, Tested, Vintage: 1970’s, Works as expected, $50. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 5316B Universal Counter. Measures frequency, period, time interval, ratio, and totalize measurements. Three inputs, operates to 100 MHz, HPIB, $75. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 427 Analog Voltmeter, Measures AC/DC voltage, resistance. Vintage: 1960’s, Works. $15, Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 204C Audio Oscillator, 5 Hz – 1 MHz, 600 ohm, Fair condition, Not Working, $30. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: HP 350D Audio Step Attenuator Set, 600 ohm, DC-1 MHz, 5 W, 0-100 dB in 1 dB steps. Good Condition, Works, $30. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: General Radio Tuned Amplifier & Null Detector, 20 Hz – 100 kHz, Untested, Good overall condition, Untested, $20. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Telequipment CT-71 Curve Tracer, Built in the UK, Sold by Tektronix, Good condition, Tested, Works but power supply likely needs re-capped, Vintage: 1970’s, $300. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: BC-453-B 190-550 kHz Military Receiver with Dynamotor. Beautifully restored, Excellent condition, Vintage: WWII, Untested, $200. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com 

Sell: Philco 48-200 Table-Top AM Radio. Nicely restored, Excellent condition, Bakelite cabinet, Works, Vintage: 1948, $40. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com

Sell: Zenith L600 Trans-Oceanic SWL Receiver. Partially restored, excellent condition but missing some cabinet parts, nice project radio, Untested, $80. Contact Rich, W4DZC, richard77836@yahoo.com 


Sell: Icom PS-125 power supply, new in box, includes cables, 6 pin to 4 pin adapter, data sheet.  $180, Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net


Sell: MFJ Low Pass transmitter filter,  club owned, $35 Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net


Sell ~500 ft of New Anderson 50 ohm Heliax hardline (FSJ4-50);; connectors available separately. – $700

Sell: TS-830 power transformer. It appears to be Like-New; not tested.; 10 lbs. Also, Final Cage repair Kit and RECAP Kit.. Price: $75

Sell: TWO (2) ELEMENT CUBEX CUBICAL QUAD (10, 15 & 20M) ANTENNA, $150.

Sell: 100 FT LONG WIRE KIT for Short Wave Listening: Made by WDX2RADIO,  $25

Details and photos are available to anyone who contacts me: alan.swinger@gmail.com.


Selling a very nice and working Bird 43 watt meter. Includes a blank element. Has UHF connectors. Overall leather carrying case is also in very good condition but the foam pad that holds any of your stored elements under its flap is deteriorating. $175.  Contact Ed, N3US, eberkowitz@sbcglobal.net
