Successful VE session

The AARC had a successful VE session on Saturday, 29 June. Congratulations to Geoffrey Sanders KQ4IDY, who qualified for his Amateur Extra license, and to Mark Mahew, Noah Flood, Mark Andersson, Bruce Quinn, Scott Barker, and Peter Francisco, all of whom qualified for their Technician licenses.… Read the rest

Field Day 2024!

Photo by Vickie Eicher.

Another Successful AARC Field Day!

Thanks to fearless leader Bob Romanko, AK4BR, and his team of volunteers.

We had visits from ARRL Roanoke Division Director Dr. James F. Boehner, N2ZZ and Vice Director Bill Morine, N2COP, contacts with all the US states plus several Canadian provinces and some DX as well!… Read the rest