Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)/Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)
- National Level: ARES National Headquarters (ARRL)
- State level: ARES/RACES of Virginia
- Section Emergency Cordinator (SEC): Ed Krom WD4KHP
- District Level: District 3 = Northern Piedmont
- Net: Northern Piedmont Emergency Net, Thursdays at 2000 local time, 145.470 MHz repeater, CTCSS 151.4
- Albemarle County ARES/RACES
- Emergency Coordinator (EC): Mike McPherson, KQ9P
- Greene County ARES/RACES
- EC: vacant
- Fluvanna County ARES/RACES
- EC: Manny Rodriquez K4MSR
- Net: Fluvanna County Emergency Net, Mondays at 2000 local time, 145.170 MHz repeater, CTCSS 151.4
- Buckingham/Cumberland/Nelson Counties ARES/RACES
- Buckingham EC: Gordon Winn WW4GW
- Acting Cumberland EC: Gordon Winn WW4GW
- Acting Nelson EC: Gordon Winn WW4GW
List of area amateur radio clubs and repeater organizations
Note that the links tend to focus on the repeater listings, since that is the page the links were originally on.
- Albemarle Amateur Radio Club (AARC). Serves City of Charlottesville, Albemarle County, University of Virginia, and neighboring counties such as Greene, Orange, Louisa, Fluvanna, Buckingham, Nelson, Augusta, and Rockingham. UVA and the shenandoah valley area also have their own regional clubs and the Central Virgnia Repeater Association and ARES overlap with coverage with AARC.
- Central Virginia Repeater Association . Has linked repeaters in Albemarle County, Augusta County, Buckingham County, Highland County, Rockbridge County, Fluvanna County, and Farmville (town which spans Cumberland and Prince Edward Counties).
- W4UVA Amateur Radio Club at the University of Virginia
- Waynesboro Repeater Association of Virginia
- Masannutten Amateur Radio Association (MARA). Current year newsletters are only available to members. MARA/VARA monitor April 2012 issue has repeater listing on page 5. Dec 2012 has info on new 443.350 Big Mountain repeater and changes on 444.600, 145.130. 2011 repeater listing. A page from a Jan? 2013 issue lists 145.130 (88hz but due to change), 146.625,146.670 (114.8), 146.715 (146.2), 147.225, 147.315, 224.500, 224.820, 443.150, 443.350, and 444.600. Most use a CTCSS of 131.8Hz.
- Valley Amateur Radio Association (VARA)
- Richmond Amateur Telecomunications Society (RATS) (W4RAT)
- Richmond Amateur Radio Club (W4ZA)
- Culpepper Amateur Radio Association (CARA) (W4CUL)
- Hamdepot list of Virginia Ham Clubs
- T-Marc is the coordination organization that covers the valley
- SouthEast Repeater Association (SERA) doesn’t provide info to non-members, includes list in quarterly journal. frequency utilization plan.
Local Emergency Services
- Live Emergency Dispatch logs on Warhammer: (does not include police): Rescue Incident Display System, Fire Incident Display System, Shift status reports, and NavBoard
- Albemarle County Search and Rescue
- 511 Virginia (traffic informaton)
- Virginia Department of Transportation
- Red Cross Central Virginia Chapter
- Charlottesville Albemarle Rescue Squad
- Western Albemarle Rescue Squad
Citizen Corps
Citizen corps was launched after 9/11 attacks and provides training for the population to assist in disaster recovery and includes CERT, VIPS, MRC, FireCorps, and Neighborhood Watch.
- Charlottesville CERT
- Thomas Jefferson Medical Reserve Corps
- Albemarle County Volunteers in Police Service
- Find more – search
General Ham Radio Links
- Amateur Radio Relay League
- FCC ULS license Search
- World Radio History Museum
- Amateur Radio Newsline
Miscillaneous Links
- Peak Finder.
Sample view from AK4OL QTH in Charlottesville. android app does something similar on your android phone but with augmented reality so you just have to point your phone/tablet (with adequate sensors) towards a mountain peak to identify it. - Become A Storm Spotter From Home