While many AARC members prefer continuing our monthly club meeting via Zoom, there is still interest and a need to gather in person. Ed N3US has organized getting together on the third Saturday of the month in the parking lot next to the picnic pavilion in Darden Towe Park.
Please plan on joining us for the first of these monthly gatherings on Saturday, August 21 from 9-11AM. It should be a fun activity and opportunity to see one another face to face, or facemask to facemask as the case may be. Please observe current COVID recommendations with regard to masking and social distancing. Naturally, inclement weather will cancel.
This will be a great opportunity to get rid of unused or unneeded ham radio equipment, show-off projects (in progress or completed) or anything else you would like to share with other AARC members and their families.
The local area ARES contingent is planning a demonstration of Winlink, so if you are interested in learning how to send and receive ordinary emails via ham radio, this will be a great opportunity to see how it’s done, and get a chance to try it out. ARES members will also be happy to answer any questions you have about how to get involved in providing emergency communications assistance to our local jurisdictions.
I hope to see you there.