The AARC held a successful VE session on Saturday, the 14th.
Congratulations to:
Tom McDermott, who passed his Technician, General, and Extra Class exams;
Martin Anderson, KQ4TQI, who passed his General exam;
Christopher Flood, KQ4TOG, who passed his General exam;
Robert Gettleman;
Dennis Barnett;
Andrew Mercer;
Gabriele Devito; and
Caleb Butts,
all of whom passed their Technician exams.… Read the rest
AARC Annual Awards
KI4QKV Gets a Surprise Party!
Richard Freeman (KI4QKV) was born on November 18, 1929, 95 years ago.
On Saturday, November 23rd, 81 of his friends and relatives threw Rich a surprise 95th birthday party! The secret surprise party was held at the Shenandoah Crossing, a high-end resort in Gordonsville, VA.… Read the rest
Batteries for Ham Radio – Alfred Wanderlingh
The November AARC Meeting featured a talk on batteries for ham radio by Alfred Wanderlingh, comparing the newer LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) and traditional lead-acid batteries.
VE session on Saturday 14 December 2024
Please help spread the word.… Read the rest
Successful Tailgate Swapfest Held
AARC held a successful tailgate swapfest at Darden Towe Park on Saturday Nov. 9. Over 20 hams participated, a good number going home with new items for the shack. It was great to put faces to some callsigns! The swapfest was held at the lower end of the main Darden Towe parking lot, due to youth soccer activities being held at the top end.… Read the rest
Albemarle Radio Club Donates Radios
AARC completed the donation of 17 MURS (Multi-Use Radio Service) radios to replace the failing radios used by the Charlottesville Racing Club Junior Mountain Bike Team on October 29, 2024.
Any given mountain bike practice typically includes about 80 kids and 25 adults spread throughout six or seven riding groups.… Read the rest
Hurricane Watch Net
If you are not yet aware, the emergency HF frequencies for Hurricane Milton in the USA are:
- Hurricane Watch Net: 14.325, 7.268
- SATERN Net: 14.268, 7.268
- Maritime Mobile Service Emergency Net: 14.300
We should avoid these frequencies.
Visit the Hurricane Watch Net online.… Read the rest
Successful VE session on 21 September
Thanks to Bill Pond, KB1LL; Dave Krovetz, KY4IG; Dave Damon, K4DND; Brian O’Rourke, K4UL; and Ed Berkowitz, N3US, for participating as VEs.… Read the rest
The Valley Amateur Radio Association – Norm D’Allura (KN4YFI)
Norm D’Allura talks to the AARC about the Valley Amateur Radio Association in the Shenandoah Valley, its history and activities.
… Read the rest