AARC September 2024 Membership Meeting – Annual Picnic and Silent Auction at Darden Towe Park, Saturday the 14th

The AARC annual picnic, silent auction, and brief meeting will be held on Saturday, September 14th, at 5 PM at Darden Towe Park at the upper pavilion.

Those with many items to sell at the auction are asked to bring their own tables.  Please print out and complete this form for each item you would like to sell.

Members and their guests should arrive at 5 PM to socialize and to view/place bids for the silent auction items. Our potluck dinner begins at 5:45. The club is supplying the main course of chicken and pizza.

All members participating in the picnic are to bring a side dish. The club will provide beverages, so please do not bring something to drink as a side dish. Each member may bring one guest for free with additional guests costing $5 each.

Attendees are also encouraged to bring folding chairs. 

To attend the picnic, you must USE THIS FORM to sign no later than September 7th.

This is going to be a great time!